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Why barter? Here's a hypothetical example of how bartering can (literally) get you more bang for your buck:


You work at an electrical store and have access to a 50% staff discount. I want to buy a particular television in your store that retails for $400. You could pay me $400 cash for a two hour service and then I could go to your store and buy the TV....OR.... you could buy the TV for me with your discount, then I pay for it with a service to the value of the full price. So in this scenario, you get a two hour booking and you've only paid out $200 and I get a $400 TV without having to save up the cash. Win/win!



I'm happy to trade my services for goods and services of equal value,

with a few conditions:

- I'll only trade for goods and services that I'd otherwise be spending money on, not just random things of value or something to "treat myself". Examples of things I've been offered that I won't exchange include massages, drugs, alcohol, concert tickets and retail gift cards.


- I'll only provide services equal to the regular price of the thing you're trading. 'Can I trade you this $100 object for a one hour booking?' Umm, no. If you have something to trade worth $100, you can trade it outright for a $100 quickie, or you can put it towards a longer booking and make up the balance with cash. 


- Please note that I'm talking about equal DOLLAR value, not TIME. I once heard the argument that if a gardener spent two hours mowing my lawn, it's only fair that he should receive a two hour sex service in return. Why would I sacrifice a $400 booking for a service that would only cost me 50 bucks to pay for with cash? Short answer, I wouldn't.


- It should go without saying, but just in case.... all deals must be negotiated and agreed on beforehand. DO NOT just go ahead and buy me something off the wish list and then expect me to repay you for it, because I WON'T! 


-  Bartered goods and services, as with regular cash payments, must be received UP FRONT. I won't provide services on the promise that you'll fix me up later. I realise you're in a similar position to me when it comes to trust, but a. you'd have far more luck extracting payment from me through legal channels than I would, and b. you're under no obligation to choose this method of payment.








Can't think of anything else at the moment.

If you think you have something I might want to trade, ask and I'll let you know.

*Note: Not actually willing to f*ck for firewood any more. Unfortunately I no longer live in a house with an open fire. :(



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